Summoner Openers
Guide Info
Last Updated: 18 Sep, 2022
Patch Applicable: 7.0
Table of Contents


Lv. 100 General Opener

The below opener is the general go to opener for summoner and uses Titan as the first primal. Since the 6.1 changes, we can now use Searing Light in Bahamut, and choose to do so after the Bahamut GCD to avoid using a “dead” GCD in our buff. You can choose to omit the precast Ruin III and use Bahamut at 0s as well. This may be an optimization strategy for particular fight timelines or encounters where the gained one second on cycle progression may matter.

Summoner - Lv. 100 Opener

Lv. 90 Opener

With the standardization of buff durations following the release of the Dawntrail expansion, the general Lv. 90 opener will be near identical to the Lv. 100 opener.

Summoner - Lv. 90 Opener

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  • 29 Nov, 2021
    Created page
    16 Feb, 2022
    Updated for Endwalker
    18 Sep, 2022
    Updated with current openers