Reaper Skill Overview
Guide Info
Last Updated: 2 Aug, 2024
Patch Applicable: 7.05

Single-Target Actions

Slice-1Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe first action in your main combo. Delivers an attack with a potency of 420. Generates 10 Soul.
Waxing Slice-5Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe second action in your main combo. Delivers an attack with a combo potency of 500. Generates 10 Soul.
Infernal Slice-30Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe third action in your main combo. Delivers an attack with a combo potency of 600. Generates 10 Soul.
Harpe-15Spell2.5 secondsDeals unaspected damage to the target for 300 potency. Changes to an instant cast after use of Ingress or Egress. Generates 10 Soul.
Shadow of DeathSoD10Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 300. Applies the Death’s Design debuff to a single enemy for 30 seconds. Death’s Design can be applied for up to 60 seconds. Death’s Design increases all damage dealt by the player by 10%.
Soul SliceSS60Weaponskill30 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 520. Generates 50 Soul. Can hold up to two charges. Shares a recast timer with Soul Scythe.
Blood StalkBS50Ability-Delivers an attack with a potency of 340. Grants one stack of Soul Reaver. The unaugmented version of Unveiled Gibbet, Unveiled Gallows, and Grim Swathe. Costs 50 Soul.
Gibbet-70Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 500. Benefits from flank positional (+60 potency) and the Enhanced Gibbet buff (+60 potency) for a total of 620 potency. Changes Blood Stalk to Unveiled Gallows and grants user the buff Enhanced Gallows. Costs one Soul Reaver stack.
Unveiled Gibbet-70Ability-Delivers an attack with a potency of 440. Sets Soul Reaver count to one. Can only be executed while under the effect of Enhanced Gibbet. Costs 50 Soul.
Gallows-70Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 500. Benefits from rear positional (+60 potency) and the Enhanced Gallows buff (+60 potency) for a total of 620 potency. Changes Blood Stalk to Unveiled Gibbet and grants the user the buff Enhanced Gibbet. Costs one Soul Reaver stack.
Unveiled Gallows-70Ability-Delivers an attack with a potency of 440. Sets Soul Reaver count to one. Can only be executed while under the effect of Enhanced Gallows. Costs 50 Soul.
Gluttony-76Ability60 secondsDeals unaspected damage to the target for 520 potency. Deals 25% less damage to all nearby enemies. Grants two stacks of Executioner. Executioner cannot be stacked with Soul Reaver. Costs 50 Soul.
Executioner’s Gibbet-96Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 700. Benefits from flank positional (+60 potency) and the Enhanced Gibbet buff (+60 potency) for a total of 820 potency. Changes Blood Stalk to Unveiled Gallows and grants the user the buff Enhanced Gallows. Costs one Executioner stack.
Executioner’s Gallows-96Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 700. Benefits from rear positional (+60 potency) and the Enhanced Gallows buff (+60 potency) for a total of 820 potency. Changes Blood Stalk to Unveiled Gibbet and grants the user the buff Enhanced Gibbet. Costs one Executioner stack.
Plentiful HarvestPH88Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line in front of the player with a potency of 720. Deals 60% less damage to all other enemies. Depletes stacks of Immortal Sacrifice upon execution. Deals up to 1000 potency with 8 stacks of Immortal Sacrifice. Can not be executed while under the effect of Bloodsworn Circle. Grants Ideal Host for 30 seconds, allowing for the next Enshroud to be used without cost. Grants Perfectio Oculta for 30 seconds. The Communio from the Enshroud that consumes Ideal Host will grant Perfectio Parata for 30 seconds, if used while under the Perfectio Oculta buff.
Perfectio-100Weaponskill2.5 secondsDeals an attack with potency of 1300 to target and 60% less to all nearby enemies. Can only be used under the effect of Perfectio Parata.
Soulsow-82Spell2.5 seconds (5 seconds in combat)Enables a single usage of Harvest Moon. Generates Soulsow buff.
Harvest MoonHM82Spell2.5 secondsDeals unaspected damage to the target for 800 potency. Deals 50% less damage to all nearby enemies. Costs Soulsow buff. Generates 10 Soul.
Arcane CircleAC72Ability120 secondsIncreases damage dealt by the player and all nearby party members by 3% for 20 seconds. Grants the effect of Circle of Sacrifice to the player and all nearby party members for 5 seconds. While under the effect of Circle of Sacrifice, using a weaponskill will generate one stack of Immortal Sacrifice for the Reaper. Grants the player the effect of Bloodsworn Circle which allows for the accumulation of Immortal Sacrifice stacks for 6 seconds.
Enshroud-80Ability15 secondsAllows access to Enshroud actions, while disallowing access to other actions. Grants the player 5 stacks of Lemure Shroud. Lasts 30 seconds or until all Lemure Shroud has been used. Costs 50 Shroud. Grants Oblatio.
Sacrificium-92Ability1 secondDeals an attack with a potency of 530 to target and 50% less to nearby enemies. Can only be used under the effects of Enshrouded and Oblatio. Consumes Oblatio upon use.
Void ReapingVR80Weaponskill1.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 500. Benefits from the Enhanced Void Reaping buff (+60 potency) for a maximum of 560 potency. Grants the player the Enhanced Cross Reaping buff. Can only be executed under the Enshrouded effect. Costs one Lemure Shroud.
Cross ReapingCR80Weaponskill1.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 500. Benefits from the Enhanced Cross Reaping buff (+60 potency) for a maximum of 560 potency. Grants the player the Enhanced Cross Reaping buff. Can only be executed under the Enshrouded effect. Costs one Lemure Shroud.
Lemure’s Slice-86Ability1 secondDelivers an attack with a potency of 280. Costs two Void Shroud.
Communio-90Spell2.5 secondsDeals unaspected damage to the target for 1,100 potency. Deals 60% less for all enemies near the initial target. Ends the effect of the Enshrouded status upon execution. Grants Perfectio Parata if used under the effect of Perfectio Oculta.

Multi-Target Actions

Spinning Scythe-25Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe first action in your AoE combo. Delivers an attack with a potency of 160. Generates 10 Soul.
Nightmare Scythe-45Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe second action in your AoE combo. Delivers an attack with a potency of 200. Generates 10 Soul.
Whorl of DeathWoD35Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies. Applies the Death’s Design debuff to all nearby enemies for 30 seconds. Death’s Design can be applied for up to 60 seconds. Death’s Design increases all damage dealt by the player by 10%.
Soul Scythe-65Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 180 to all nearby enemies. Generates 50 Soul. Can hold up to two charges. Shares a recast with Soul Slice.
Guillotine-70Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone in front of the player. Generates 10 Shroud. Costs one Soul Reaver stack.
Executioner’s Guillotine-96Weaponskill2.5 secondsDeals an attack to all targets in a cone in front of you with a potency of 300. Costs one stack of Executioner.
Grim Swathe-55Ability-Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone in front of the player. Sets Soul Reaver count to one. Costs 50 Soul.
Grim Reaping-80Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone in front of the player. Can only be executed while under the Enshrouded effect. Costs one Lemure Shroud.
Lemure’s Scythe-86Ability1 secondDelivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all enemies in a cone in front of the player. Costs 2 Void Shroud.

Role Actions/Support

Arcane Crest-40Ability30 secondsGrants user the effect of Crest of Borrowed Time. Places a shield on the user worth 10% of total HP. Upon the shield breaking, grants all nearby party members Crest of Time Returned for 15 seconds. Places a 15 second regen on all effected party members worth 50 potency every tick, totaling 250 potency.
Hell’s Ingress-20Ability30 secondsDash forward 15 yalms and leave a Hellsgate at the original location for 10 seconds. Grants Enhanced Harpe for 10 seconds, allowing the next Harpe cast to be instant and reduce the cooldown of Hell’s Ingress/Egress by 5 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Hell’s Egress.
Hell’s Egress-20Ability30 secondsDash backwards 15 yalms and leave a Hellsgate at the original location for 10 seconds. Grants Enhanced Harpe for 10 seconds, allowing the next Harpe cast to be instant and reduce the cooldown of Hell’s Ingress/Egress by 5 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Hell’s Ingress.
Regress-74Ability1 secondTeleports player to the Hellsgate left by Hell’s Ingress or Egress.
Feint-22Ability90 secondsReduces the targets physical damage dealt by 10% and magic damage dealt by 5% for 15 seconds.
Leg Sweep-10Ability40 secondsStuns the target for 3 seconds. Suffers from diminishing returns.
Arm’s LengthAL32Ability120 secondsAnti-knockback. Slows the target upon taking physical damage.
Second WindSW8Ability120 secondsRegnerates HP worth 800 potency.
BloodbathBB12Ability90 secondsConverts damage dealt to HP for the user for 20 seconds.
True NorthTN50Ability45 secondsNullifies all positional requirements for 10 seconds. Can hold up to two charges.
  • Have any questions?
    Balance RPR Staff
  • 4 Jan, 2022
    Updated Crest of Time Returned potency from 100 to 50.
    26 Aug, 2022
    Updated for 6.2 potency changes.
    13 Sep, 2022
    Updated patch number
    3 Nov, 2022
    6.28 potency changes
    12 Jan, 2023
    Updated patch number
    30 May, 2023
    Updated for 6.4
    4 Oct, 2023
    Updated the 6.5 potency changes for Gluttony and Lemure’s Slice
    18 Jul, 2024
    Updated for 7.0
    2 Aug, 2024
    Updated for 7.05 job changes.