Dark Knight Skills Overview
Guide Info
Last Updated: 19 Jan, 2023
Patch Applicable: 6.3

Dark Knight Skills Overview

Abilities will be presented in a tabular format for easy reading.

Single Target Actions

Hard SlashHS1Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe first action in your main combo. Delivers an attack with a potency of 170.
Syphon StrikeSS2Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe second action in your main combo. Delivers an attack with a combo potency of 260. Restores 600 MP.
SouleaterSE26Weaponskill2.5 secondsThe final action in your main combo. Delivers an attack with a combo potency of 340. Restores the users HP by a cure potency of 300. Generates 20 Blood Gauge.
Grit10Ability2 secondsDark Knight’s tank stance. Significantly increases enmity generation.
Unmend15Spell2.5 secondsDeals unaspected damage to the target for 150 potency (counts as 750 potency for enmity purposes). Reduces the timer of Plunge by 5 seconds.
BloodspillerBS62Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 500. Costs 50 Blood Gauge.
Edge of ShadowEdge74Ability1 secondDeals unaspected damage to the target for 460 potency. Grants 30 seconds of Darkside, increasing damage dealt by 10%. Costs 3000 MP.
Plunge54Ability30 secondsDark Knight’s dash, also delivers an attack with a potency of 150. Can hold up to two charges.
Delirium68Ability60 secondsGrants three stacks of Delirium, with each stack nullifying Blood Gauge cost on Bloodspiller or Quietus. Restores 200 MP for each Bloodspiller and 500 MP for each Quietus landed under the buff. Stacks last 15 seconds.
Blood WeaponBW35Ability60 secondsGrants five stacks of Blood Weapon, with each stack increasing Blood Gauge by 10 and restoring 600 MP upon landing a weaponskill or spell. Stacks last 15 seconds.
Carve and SpitC&S, CaS, CnS60Ability60 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 510. Restores 600 MP. Shares a recast timer with Abyssal Drain.
Living Shadow80Ability120 secondsSummons a simulacrum of your darkside to fight beside you. Living Shadow lasts 20 seconds. While summoned, simulacrum will execute six actions, all but one dealing 350 potency. Two of these actions deal AoE damage. The simulacrum is able to execute Shadowbringer once, dealing 500 potency to the initial target. Deals 25% less damage to all other nearby enemies in a straight line before it. Costs 50 Blood Gauge.
Salted Earth52Ability90 secondsPlaces a ground targeted AoE dealing 50 potency per tick. Lasts 15 seconds.
Salt and Darkness86Ability20 secondsDeals unaspected damage with a potency of 500 to the first target standing in Salted Earth, and 50% less damage to all remaining enemies.
Shadowbringer90Ability60 secondsDeals unaspected damage to the initial target for 600 potency, and 50% less to all remaining enemies in a straight line before the user. Can hold up to two charges.

Multi-Target Actions

Unleash6Spell2.5 secondsDeals aspected damage with a potency of 120 to all nearby enemies.
Stalwart Soul72Spell2.5 secondsDeals aspected damage with a combo potency of 140 to all nearby enemies. Restores 600 MP. Increases Blood Gauge by 20.
Quietus64Weaponskill2.5 secondsDelivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all nearby enemies. Costs 50 Blood Gauge.
Flood of Shadow74Ability1 secondDeals unaspected damage to the target for 160 potency in a straight line before you. Grants 30 seconds of Darkside, increasing damage dealt by 10%. Costs 3000 MP.
Abyssal DrainAD56Ability60 secondsDeals aspected damage for 240 potency to the target and all surrounding enemies. Restores 600 MP and heals for 200 potency worth of healing. Shares a recast timer with Carve and Spit.

Mitigative Actions

RampartRamp8Ability90 secondsReduces damage taken by 20% for 20 seconds.
ReprisalRep22Ability60 secondsReduces all damage dealt by nearby enemies by 10% for ten seconds.
Arm’s LengthAL32Ability120 secondsApplies a buff that nullifies most draw-in and knockback effects, lasting six seconds. When enemies strike you while this buff is active, they receive a 20% slow debuff for 15s.
Shadow Wall38Ability120 secondsReduces damage taken by 30% for 15 seconds.
Dark MindDM45Ability60 secondsReduces magic damage taken by 20% for ten seconds.
Living DeadLD50Ability300 secondsGrants the effect of Living Dead for 10 seconds. If HP drops to 0 while active, status will change to Walking Dead, with a duration of ten seconds. While under the effect of Walking Dead, most attacks will not drop your HP below 1, and you will heal for 1500 potency per target hit with weaponskills or spells. If you are healed for an amount equal to 100% of your maximum HP, Walking Dead is replaced with the Undead Rebirth buff, retaining its duration. Undead Rebirth prevents most attacks from dropping your HP below 1, but does not have the healing effect of Walking Dead. If the Walking Dead debuff expires without being converted into Undead Rebirth, you will be KO’d.
The Blackest NightTBN70Ability15 secondsPlaces a shield on the target totaling 25% of their HP. If shield is broken, grants the user Dark Arts which allows one free use of Edge of Shadow or Flood of Shadow. Costs 3000 MP.
Dark Missionary76Ability90 secondsReduces magic damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10% for 15 seconds.
Oblation82Ability60 secondsReduces damage taken by self or party member by 10% for ten seconds. Can hold up to two stacks.

Tank Role Actions

| IconActionAbbreviationLevelTypeRecastDescription
ProvokeVoke15Ability30 secondsPlaces yourself at the top of the target’s enmity list, while gaining additional enmity.
Shirk48Ability120 secondsDiverts 25% of enmity onto the target party member.
Interject18Ability30 secondsEffectively a silence. Interrupts certain enemy actions.
Low Blow12Ability25 secondsStuns the target for five seconds.
  • Have any questions?
    Silaqui Amakiir
  • 27 Oct, 2021
    19 Sep, 2022
    Updated skills to reflect 6.2.
    18 Jan, 2023
    Updated Grit for 6.3